View Royal’s urban forest is an essential aspect of the town’s natural beauty and sustainability. To protect this precious resource, the Town regulates tree removal and alteration on private property.
Protected Trees
What is considered a protected tree?
(1) ANY tree over 30cm DBH
(2) Some native tree species are protected earlier in life, see these trees below:
(a) ANY:
(i) Garry Oak
(ii) Arbutus
(iii) Pacific Yew
(iv) Pacific Dogwood

(v) Douglas Fir
(vi) Grand Fir
(vii) Big Leaf Maple
(viii) Sitka Spruce
(ix) Western Red Cedar
(x) Shore/Contorta Pine

(3) ANY tree located on municipal property
(4) Wildlife tree (must have visible nest of raptor, osprey, or heron)
If you are concerned about the health of a protected tree, it’s important to know the 6 signs that it might be time to remove your tree to prevent potential hazards.
How do I measure the DBH of my tree?
Measure the diameter of the tree at 1.3m (4ft, 3-inches) off the ground. If the tree is on a slope, measure from the highest point of natural grade around the tree.
Diameter can be found by measuring the circumference at this point and dividing by pi (3.14)
How do I calculate the DBH of my tree if it is multi-stem?
The diameter of a tree having multiple trunks is the sum of:
(i) One hundred (100%) percent of the diameter of the largest trunk; and
(ii) Sixty percent (60%) of the diameter of each additional trunk.
In some cases, tree cabling and support may be necessary to preserve the integrity of protected trees, especially those with multiple trunks.
Do I need a permit?
A permit is required when you wish to:
(1) Remove a protected tree or
(2) Conduct significant pruning on a protected tree that would be considered “altering”:
(a) Altering means making cuts larger than 10cm(4-inch) in diameter and/or removing more than 25% of the total canopy volume in one year. *Please note, topping or removing the live crown of the tree is not allowed
How much does a permit cost?
Tree Pruning
There is no fee to request a pruning permit.
Tree Removal
There is no fee to request a tree removal permit.
If a tree removal permit is accepted, the applicant of the tree permit may be required to provide to the Town a security in the amount of 120% of the total cost of the purchase, planting and one year of maintenance of the required number of Replacement Trees. This fee will be refunded when the replacement tree has been planted and maintenance requirements have been carried out to the satisfaction of the Director.
What can you prune without a permit?
(1) Branches up to 4-inch (10cm) in diameter
(2) Remove up to 25% of the total canopy of the tree per year
Adhering to proper pruning practices is essential to maintain the health and structure of your trees without causing harm.
Replacement Trees
What are the replacement tree requirements?
2:1 replacement ratio.
This means two (2) trees are to be planted for every one (1) protected tree removed.
Knowing how to determine whether a tree is dead or dormant is essential before deciding on tree removal.
What counts as a replacement tree?
Replacement trees must be of the same species of the protected tree removed, or a species approved by the Director. The tree must be planted in a location approved by the director and planted within one (1) year of Tree Permit being issued.
Do I have to plant a replacement tree?
Yes, if you conducted a permitted removal of a protected tree, you are required to plant replacement trees at a 2:1 ratio for every protected tree removed
In rare circumstances and at the sole discretion of the Director of View Royal Engineering, if it is determined that the lot cannot accommodate the required number of replacement trees, a fee of $500 per replacement tree may be accepted as cash-in-lieu of planting.
Refer to the bylaw for more information on how it applies to you. If you need professional tree services, Anchor Tree Service can guide you through the permitting process and help you comply with local regulations. For more information, visit the Town of View Royals website.

Ensuring the health and safety of your trees is essential for maintaining the natural beauty and sustainability of View Royal. Whether you need help with tree removal, pruning, or understanding local bylaws, Anchor Tree Service is here to assist you. Our experienced team provides professional tree services in Victoria, BC, and can guide you through the permitting process to ensure compliance with all regulations. Don’t leave your trees’ care to chance—contact Anchor Tree Service today for a consultation and let us help you keep your property safe and beautiful. Visit our website or call us now to schedule your service.